About the Journal

The International Innovations Journal of Applied Science (IIJAS) actively publishes articles spanning all realms of applied sciences. IIJAS operates as an open-access, peer-reviewed journal, with the core mission of advancing and disseminating knowledge within the realm of applied sciences. It serves as a dynamic online international journal, catering to a wide audience, with a primary focus on expeditiously sharing groundbreaking multidisciplinary research articles that showcase original contributions across both pure and applied sciences.


Within its peer-reviewed and open-access framework, IIJAS encompasses two distinct types of papers: original research papers and studies based on industrial experiences and analyses. The journal primarily caters to researchers, scientists, professors, and policymakers across diverse domains within the realms of applied and natural sciences. It provides an invaluable platform for these individuals to gain insights from real-time experiences, analytical examinations, empirical studies, and valuable conclusions drawn by fellow researchers and industry experts.


IIJAS stands as an international platform dedicated to delivering high-quality, up-to-date research to its target audience. Furthermore, the journal encourages its intended readership to actively contribute by disseminating its most recent research findings and experimental results, fostering a culture of knowledge exchange and collaboration within the scientific community.


The primary aim of the International Innovations Journal of Applied Science (IIJAS) is to serve as a dynamic and accessible platform for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge within the diverse and ever-evolving field of applied sciences. IIJAS is committed to promoting, facilitating, and accelerating the exchange of innovative ideas, cutting-edge research, and practical insights across various domains. The journal seeks to contribute to the global scientific community by providing a venue for researchers, scientists, professors, policymakers, and industrial experts to collaborate, share, and learn from one another's real-time experiences, empirical studies, and analytical findings. In essence, IIJAS aspires to be a catalyst for the progression of applied sciences and the practical applications derived from its research.

Scope & Area Coverage:

The International Innovations Journal of Applied Science (IIJAS) encompasses a broad spectrum of applied sciences includes specialties in Health Professions, Business, Chemistry, Nursing, Economics, Biochemistry, Econometrics and Finance, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Veterinary, Management and Accounting, Immunology and Microbiology, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Biological & Agricultural Sciences, Materials Science, Computer Science, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Decision Sciences, Pharmacology, Physics and Astronomy, Neuroscience, Energy, Medicine, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Communication, Ecology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Life Science, Human Biology, Logic, Statistics, Systems Theory, Theoretical Computer Science, Applied Physics, Accounting, Medical Technology, Machine Learning, Machinery, Neural Networks, Geology, Transportation, Waste Management, Biomedical Materials, Industrial Arts, IT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics Sciences, Food & Food Industry, Atmospheric Sciences, Nano Science, Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Genetics, Botany, Oncology, and Entomology.


Publication Frequency

International Innovations Journal of Applied Science IIJAS is an online research-based and peer-reviewed journal published twice every year


The journal is addressed to the international academic community and accepts articles from all scholars of relevant disciplines.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.